Colloidal silver 500 ml and nasal Spray of money from 50 ml to 15 PPM of very high quality. Particle size between 0.001 and 0.005 microns (the Guarantee of a very high quality) We use éléctrodes silver 99.99 % silver pure . The bottles used are brown glass, it protects colloidal silver UV rays
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When there were no antibiotics, silver was used to fight against bacteria, but also viruses, parasites and fungi, essentially all kinds of micro - organisms potentially dangerous to our body. But also in emergency situations.
This is without doubt the characteristic for which this natural remedy is particularly used and appreciated. Just a very low dose of micro - organisms, it is important to let the colloidal silver for a few minutes under the tongue and swallow it then, to destroy the infectious agents. Therefore, colloidal silver is very useful in case of infections of the skin, ears, eyes, or the common cold.
You can use it internally (in the form of drops or spray) if it is also used in the case of influenza, bronchitis and all diseases in which an alternative you can use traditional medicines precisely as antibiotics.
Its antibacterial properties, antibiotic and antifungal properties make this remedy particularly adapted to two very common diseases especially among women and in all the other questions that depend on precisely micro - organisms.
But in addition to these properties, colloidal silver has also qualities anti-inflammatory, which explains why some people use it in the case of arthritis or osteoarthritis, in particular to relieve the pain and strengthen the immune system, in the autumn-winter season, you can take a preventive measure to boost the immune system.
This product then allows the regeneration of the skin, can be used for example as anti-wrinkle or for the healing of wounds and burns, as well as disinfect. Stimulates the production of new cells and allows a more rapid healing, therefore, colloidal silver is also a tonic... they help you recover the energy by detoxifying the body.
Colloidal silver is a very useful product that you should always have in the house and use it everyday for many problems, small or large, skin or other. We recommend an application of money externally for burns, cuts or injuries. It is also used with success in cases of skin rashes, such as erythema, dermatitis, psoriasis, or fungal infections such as the nails or the warts. In all these cases, you can choose to apply a few drops of colloidal silver on the area affected by the problem. In general, naturopaths are advising to take 3 tablespoons per day of colloidal silver. For a more severe infection, such as infections, pneumonia or urinary tract etc., it is necessary to take a glass filled 3 times or more per day.
In the form of drops, which can be applied on burns, acne, rashes and wounds, but also in the ears to treat infections of the ear, nose, or in the case of colds strong.
In the form of a spray, to spray easily the nose and throat and any other parts of the body.
In the form of a nasal spray, of a capacity of 50ml blue glass , is ideal for a nose is congested, sinusitis, ear infections, etc