Colloidal silver
What is colloidal silver ?
Colloids (from the Greek kolla glue) particles are macromolecular, which, in an aqueous medium , does not dissolve. They are suspended so-called colloidal. A suspension of silver ions very small in size in demineralised water, distilled, and re-energised. It is one of the best natural remedies. Most people who have tried it consider it a miracle product that we will tend, to bacterial infections and viruses. It is able to accelerate the wound healing and burns, killing most of the microbes and pathogenic viruses, treat allergies and the skin, stimulate the natural defenses, purifies water, boosts your immunity, etc
What is the indication of PPM ?
How many PPM you choose ?
By definition 1 milligram of silver deposited in 1 liter of water (1000 ml) is equal to 1 ppm.
If you divide 1 milligram in 1,000,000 silver particles, it will be so much more effective, because it takes one particle of silver to disable one pathogen. Silver is now 1,000,000 times more active than 1 mg of pure silver, even if it is only 1 PPM. If we divide the pure silver of 1 mg 100.000.000 particles, it will be very beneficial in view that the silver is more finely divided. and the PPM remains the same (1 PPM) ! What counts is not the number of PPM, but how the particle of silver was divided, and this is why it is not necessary to have a number of important PPM (5 – 10 or 15 ppm) it is enough, what is important is to divide the silver as finely as possible.
The smaller the particle size is small, the more the colloidal silver is effective.
The larger the size of the particles are smaller the colloidal silver is effective. This is a very important point : A number with ppm greater than 15 PPM is not to say that the colloidal silver is superior. On the contrary, it was logical, organic and scientific, the More the PPM are high, more particles (ions) collect them, so automatically its efficiency decreases and make it less effective. With colloidal silver - ionic, which is between 5 ppm and 15 ppm, we have a product not only very efficient but also extremely safe to use.